Thursday 21 December 2023

The Benefits of Zinc Galvanizing: Protecting and Extending the Lifespan of Your Metal

The Benefits of Zinc Galvanizing: Protecting and Extending the Lifespan of Your Metal

The process of Zinc Galvanizing plays a crucial role when the concern is related to increasing the lifespan of the metal. During construction, the builders ensure the metals’ longevity and adhere to the hot-dip galvanization process. In the current blog, we will be understanding and sharing the core benefits associated with the overall process of Zinc Galvanizing.

Investing in Zinc Galvanizing for Long-Term Metal Protection

Tanya Galvanizers is the leading industry, which helps the team get the galvanization done effectively and helps them have the durability for the metal with the galvanization process. For More Information Visit:

Monday 27 November 2023

The Advantages of Galvanized Cable Trays Over Other Coating Methods


Galvanization is a proven method that provides adequate and reasonable protection to the cable trays and materials used during construction. The galvanization process means an additional coating of hot zinc material, which helps offer healthier usage durability.

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Wednesday 25 October 2023

Why Galvanizing Utilizes Zinc Instead of Copper? - Tanya Galvanizer

Galvanization is the process that demands a work of hot-dip zinc coating, which forms a safety layer for steel and iron to form a durable shield from corrosive particles. Once the galvanization is done in hot-dip zinc, it creates a barrier which reacts with the atmosphere, forming a compact later of safety insoluble in water. It is all because zinc is a sacrificial anode helping the base metal to have a protection layer even when the coating is scratched.

Further, the core reason why copper is not used for galvanization is because the protective layer for the metal is less and has a high reaction rate on steel and iron. It, therefore, raises the level of damage to the materials and reduces the shelf life of metals used during the construction. Hence, the architects and the 

engineers specifically demand the metal into hot-dip galvanization in zinc, as it increases the durability of the material to a great extent with the process of accepting the climatic conditions.

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Thursday 21 September 2023

Pre-Galvanized vs. Post-Galvanized: Choosing the Right Approach - Tanya Galvanizer

The process of choosing galvanization depends on the project that is undertaken. Overall, there are two types of galvanizing- batch hot-dip galvanizing and pre-galvanization. To understand the workflow, let us share the difference between pre-galvanized and post-galvanized. 

What is Pre-Galvanized?

Another name for pre-galvanized means “in-line”, ”continuous” or ”mill” galvanizing. It is an automated galvanizing process used for steel products such as steel sheets before they are cut into sizes and pieces to be processed. 

What is Post-Galvanized or Hot-Dip Galvanizing?

The hot-dip galvanizing process means involvement and immersing of steelwork, completed in molten zinc with a temperature of (830 F) and the material has 98% zinc.

The blog shared discusses the core details of selecting the right source and process for galvanization. Tanya Galvanizers is the leading one-stop service provider, helping its clients provide galvanization work with quality and precision. Don’t hesitate to contact us to get your job done with us.

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Thursday 17 August 2023

Tips for Proper Installation and Maintenance of Galvanized Earthing Strips

The process of galvanized earthing strips plays an essential role during their installation and further processing. Earthing is the method that directly sends the charge to the ground with low resistance wire to cause an immediate discharge of electrical energy. The wires that are called the low-resistance earthing cable are the least resistant, and it is because of the leakage in the current selected.

A specific route is defined for the installation of strip earthing. The next step is to prepare these strips, and it is possible with the help of a hot dip galvanized process with perfect alignment.

There is a definite procedure through which the earth strips can be installed. First, the earth leads must be installed in the wall to initiate this process.

The process of installing the strips in the ground is similar to the operation of installation in the wall. The difference here is that while installing the strips in the ground, there is no need to have the support of clamps; rather, the soil will keep the earth leads in place.

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Friday 21 July 2023

How To Ensure Proper Galvanization In Cable Tray Manufacturing and Installation - Tanya Galvanizer

A cable tray is a material used as the bridge, which helps carries electrical and data cables throughout the project. It is available in multiple varieties with a wide range that allows meeting the design requirements to match the location, the load, and the aesthetic needs. With the process of using a cable tray, the wiring work becomes very easy and fast. Everything is contained in an efficient, manageable, cost-effective, and attractive manner, from managing the manufacturing to its installation.

Multiple cable trays are available, and based on the requirements, the installation is done at the project site. Cable trays or bridges are widely used in construction projects, which help manage the electrical wire and accurately set the cable. For multiple types of engineering design, cable bridge has opened a great way in terms of installation work and production automation.

Common Issues That Can Arise When Galvanizing Cable Trays

  • Let us now continue further and understand the common issues that arise when the process of galvanization is undertaken on cable trays. The issues are,
  • The length of the cable is short-circuited and therefore it can relate to the errors in distributing the power.
  • Cable tray formation can be damaged due to the current relay operation.
  • As the cables are internally connected to it, the chances it has is that it has the presence of a short-circuit.
  • There is a possibility that the cable gets damaged because of any electrical fault. It will have the reason either completely blown or partially blown.
  • If the quality of the cable is bad, it can also be the root cause for the damage.

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Monday 19 June 2023

Everything You Need to Know About Galvanizing of Earthing Strips: A Complete Guide

Earthing Strips are a process undertaken to transmit current from the electrical appliances to the ground. The complete procedure is undergone through a metallic strip that has low resistance. The strips that are used in earthing strips have a specific diameter of 6mm. Further, these strips are galvanized in a hot-dipped solution that delivers high-end durability and stability to the materials.

These strips are then installed in the ground, which has a depth of 0.5m, and the direction of it is in horizontal trenches. The material that is used to prepare the strips is copper, and it is for grounding current through the process of earth stripping. The use of copper is effective because it is resistant to corrosion, which lasts longer and provides a long-lasting offer for better voltage transient protection.

Benefits of Galvanizing Earthing Strips.

- Increased Durability

- Great Adaptability

- Excellent Reliability

- Increased Safety

- Hassle-free Maintenance

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Tuesday 23 May 2023

Galvanized Steel: The Ultimate Guide to Understanding its Properties and Applications.

The undertaking of the galvanizing method is increasing day by day, as they proved it to be an effective method for steel corrosion protection. It is essential not because zinc can form a dense protective layer on the steel surface but also because zinc has the capacity for a cathodic protection effect. Therefore, if, at any moment, the layer of galvanized steel is damaged, it can still help prevent and protect the base of the iron with the help of cathodic protection material corrosion.

The undertaking of Galvanizing refers to a technology used for surface treatment of coating the layer of zinc at the base of the metal, alloys, or other materials. The entire process plays an essential role in aesthetics and rust prevention.

Zinc can form a film with good corrosion resistance at the surface of the steel and corrosive environment. It is the process that will help protect the complete layer of zinc along with the steel matrix. The entire process will help create a protective base and property which is nontoxic and inexpensive.

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Thursday 20 April 2023

Is Galvanized Steel Rust ? Here are the best way to Prevent rusting.

 If Rust is a primary concern, then the option here is to use the set of metal that does not rust, and another opportunity to it is either to get it coated. One of the metals that do not rust or that you are looking for is stainless steel. It is the material that carries with it a cost penalty but has a performance level. The undertaking of the process of coating the metal is less expensive, and often it is easy to work with them. 

While thinking of coating the steel, the first thing that comes to mind is getting them painted. It helps the protection look for mild steel performance but does not last long. 

Hence, the best option is to get it galvanized. But yes, the biggest question is, does galvanized steel rust?

The answer to it is yes and no. The zinc coating applied over the steel’s top is called Galvanization. It helps the steel prevent Rust and corrosion for longer than paint. Want to understand how it is possible, continue the reading further.

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Friday 24 March 2023

Reasons Why You Should Use A Cable Tray For Cabling Installation -Tanya Galvanizer

 To add wire setup, there is a need to undertake the process of cable tray. It is an important aspect of the process of electrical work and undertaking. The overall process of managing, organizing, supporting, and transporting the cables from one point to another is done efficiently and accurately.Most of the people who opt for the services think that their work is done and it is the team of professionals who have make their work easy. But it is not the case. The installation of the wiring system is a critical process that is done partially. Here the case is simple, things need to be checked in a different way. All that needs to be checked is understanding the difference between a conduit vs a cable tray system.The market for cable trays is growing with each passing day, and with a reason for it. The size of the business and popularity is growing eventually. There are huge advantages to using and undertaking the process of considering the installation of a cable tray. Keep reading to learn what it is and why choosing it will benefit you now and in the long run.

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Wednesday 15 February 2023

What is Galvanized Coating? How to Obtain Thicker Galvanized Coatings | Galvanizers

Hot Dip Galvanizing is a unique and must-have process. The cleaning process of steel immerses into molten zinc, and from it, a series of layers formed, called zinc-iron alloy. The reaction between iron and zinc forms a layer formed by a metallurgical process. The complete process assists in providing robust coating, an integral part of the steel.

It is a fact to have durability and long-term protection for iron/steel materials, and it is mandatory to use a hot dip galvanizing process. To describe this overall process and work, there are ....

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Wednesday 11 January 2023

Galvanised Steel Defects and Causes in Galvanised Coatings-Tanya Galvanizer.

 Hot Dip Galvanizing process is a work that comes with numerous types of defects. Today we will be discussing and explaining the causes of defects and variations that arise in its appearance.

The detail listing for these Galvanised Steel Coating are listed below. Let us get to know about them in-depth.The Following are the few defects in galvanized steel coatings:

1.Ungalvanized Weld Areas

2.Dark Staining Adjacent to Welds

3.Dull Gray or Mottled Coatings

4.Dross Pimples/Inclusions

5.White Storage Staining

6.Ash Staining

Galvanizers, is the leading manufacturing unit that helps its clients overcome all such defects and causes which lead to easy accommodation of the work with details and proper deliverables.

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