Wednesday 28 November 2018

Importance of Crash Barrier Galvanizing - Tanya Galvanizers

Importance of Crash Barrier Galvanizing - Tanya Galvanizers 
Crash barriers are an extremely important for the safety of the road which is the main reason as to why these barriers need to be free of rust after application. This is exactly what is the primary target of crash barrier galvanizing. Therefore, the process of galvanization is extremely important for the purpose of durability of the crash barriers. We at Tanya Galvanizers understand the importance of Crash barrier galvanizing and offer top quality Hot Dip galvanizing solutions to our clients - Visit:

Monday 29 October 2018

Hot Dip Galvanizing Improves Steel - Here's Proof

Hot Dip Galvanizing Improves Steel - Here's Proof

Hot dip galvanizing is the form of galvanization where steel and iron are coated with zinc. The zinc alloys with base of metal. This technique of galvanisation is highly practiced as it provides improvement of life and durable nature of steel.It is highly beneficial if the products are to be used in corrosive environments. Take a look at how Hot Dip Galvanizing improves steel in our blog:

Friday 14 September 2018

Maintenance and Cleaning of Hot Dip Galvanized Steel

The maintenance and cleaning of galvanized steel is vital to help maintain the steel structure and ensure that it is durable. Galvanization is a process where a protective layer of zinc is coated on iron or steel. It is done for the prevention of rusting or getting damaged. Take a look at our blog to care for your hot dip galvanised steel -

Sunday 15 July 2018

How Does Galvanization Of Steel Make It More Durable?

Hot dip galvanizing of steel structures, cable trays and other steel structures help make it durable. The zinc coating will make the structure safe from the effects of the environment. Opt for hot dip galvanizing services today.
Take a look at our blog for more information: 

Saturday 30 June 2018

Inspecting a Hot Dip Galvanizing Structures

Inspecting a Hot Dip Galvanizing Structures

It is very vital to inspect the components which are part of a structure after hot dip galvanizing. This is carried out to see if there are any damages, defects and foresee any issues during installation of the structure.

For more information take a look at our detailed blog:

Hot Dip Galvanizing Structures After Fabrication

Hot Dip Galvanizing Structures After Fabrication

When we galvanize large parts from structures we come across certain hurdles.
For the better understanding of the same and the precautions, one must take for hot dip galvanizing of structures for fabrication.

Take a look at our blog:

Sunday 29 April 2018

Guidelines While Welding Galvanized Steel

Guidelines While Welding Galvanized Steel

Galvanized steel can be welded but there are a few things which we need to keep in mind to ensure that the surface is not damaged when we weld two galvanized surfaces together. This is to ensure that the hot dip galvanized steel does not lose its coating.

For hot dip galvanizing services visit:

Tuesday 27 March 2018

Reasons Why You Need To Use Galvanized Steel


In this blog of ours we take a look at the prime reasons for the use of Galvanized steel. Galvanized steel is the outcome of the hot dip galvanizing process where in the metal is coated with Zinc to make it more durable and safeguards it against the affects of the environement. For more visit our blog:

Monday 26 February 2018

The Importance Of Hot Dip Galvanizing

The Importance Of Hot Dip Galvanizing

When it comes to metal structures like crash barriers, sub-station structures, cable trays, raceways there is a need to protect the metal from the elements in the environment. This can be done by hot dip galvanizing of these structures, for more on the importance of hot dip galvanizing visit :

Saturday 20 January 2018

Maintaining Galvanized Metal Structures

Hot dip galvanizing is a process of coating metal structures to safeguard them from corrosion. Once a metal is galvanized there are a few precautions / care which one should take to ensure durability of the metal structure. For more information visit: